Recently it has come to our attention that we are loosing brides to other stores in the area.
Perplexed to why this is happening, we asked ourselves why, we couldn't figure it out, we moved into a brand new location that is beautiful, we have over 300 bridal gowns to choose from and we list our gowns at the lowest price we are able to do so by each of the designers.
We can't figure it out, so we asked a few of you and here is what we found out...
Some of you have found a completly different dress that we either don't have in our store, but are able to order for you or we don't have that designer in our store.
Our solution, we are working on adding more of what you are looking for in our store, please always let us know if there is something that you would like to see from us, we are always willing to hear suggestions.
The other reason, and this bothers us. We have found the right dress for you and you still continue to look but bought the same gown we spent 2 hours + finding and working with you but you bought it from another store.
So, we have asked and found that some stores in our area are undercutting us.
We know they are doing this because, we price our gowns at MSRP directly from the maufacturer, per our contract agreement with them. But some of the other stores in the area (i.e. Clarice's Bridal, among others) are selling dresses below MSRP. So our solution to this is turning them in for not following the rules set forth by the manufacturer. Well guess what, they still continue to do this and here is what we are doing in retaliation, we are beating their price by 5%. So, if you get a price from any St. Louis Metro Area bridal salon that is lower than ours, please bring it in and we will continue to turn in these bridal salons that continue to not follow the rules and bring them to justice, but give you the discount as well for continuing to support our business!
We all know that we are in the midst of an economic crisis, but if you find your gown at our store, please let us know that you got a quote from someone else that was lower, we do not want to loose your busisness.