Saturday, July 3, 2010

Quick Fixes for your wedding day blunders

It’s your big day and your getting ready to walk down the aisle and you notice a water mark on the front of your dress. What do you do? Panic? Not if you are prepared! Read these tips to know how to handle a potential dress problem.

Water marks: Don’t use a blow dryer! That can cause the stain to spread. Instead use a white towel to blot the excess water. Then use a hand steamer to lift the stain out.

Ink Stain: Use a cotton ball with some hair spray on it and rub lightly on the stain.

Make-up marks: Press club soda into the stain with a cotton ball and use a towel to soak up excess moisture. If the stain is still visible, use chalk or talc to cover it.

Oil stain: Dip a Q-tip into talcum powder or cornstarch and generously put on stain. Wait 15 minutes then dust off the powder with a white towel.

Blood: Easiest to remove before it sets, wet a q-tip with your own saliva and blot on the spot.

Bustle Breakdown: Use extra-large safety pins to hold up a bustle that has broken.

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